Friday, February 26, 2010

Reportaż autorstwa Filipa Jurzyka. Został opublikowany w serwisie

Filip napisał reportaż, który jest opublikowany w serwisie Na kanwie poszukiwań Emila, ujął w nim problem wzrastającej liczby zaginięć ludzi w Europie odkąd układ z Schengen zniósł kontrole graniczne. Przeczytaj tekst!

Filip bardzo nam pomógł w poszukiwaniach w Polsce i udzielił ogromnego wsparcia przy okazji zbierania materiału do reportażu w Krakowie. Był naszym wesołym kompanem przez pięć pierwszych dni na południu Polski.

Cała nasza rodzina jest ci bardzo wdzięczna za pomoc, Filip!!!


  1. I haven't left Kraków since the end of last August, and I definitely saw him here but I can't for the life of me remember where and when. I know that this doesn't help much but I remember looking at him and being surprised because I have never seen a homeless looking foreign kid in Kraków before, and he seemed so young and good looking.

  2. Dear Filip!

    I want to thank You very much for helping Emma and the family by looking for my grandchild Emil.

    Maria Laukka, Tammisaari, Finland

  3. Dear Maria, me and a lot of Polish citizens have done whatever we could to find Emil. Maybe he just doesn't want to be found?


  4. Maybe he does not want to be found,
    maybe he is in trouble and need help,
    maybe he is unaware of it all,
    maybe he is dead.
    There are many many options of the situation.
    But our family cant let it be unsolved: what if he really is in a bad situation and waiting for someone to come and help?

    We dont want to leave him feeling we dont care, and we want to know for the sake of our own peace too - the worst thing would be to not know Ever, what really have happened, and just live with the different speculations.

    Emil is welcome home, and free to be where ever he wants to be. The most important for us is to know he is not suffering in a situation where we Could do something.

    We have deep thankfulness to Everyone who have helped us, and are helping us still, to get peace in our hearts and find out what is the truth.

    Thank you

  5. there is aa new comment about emil,maybe this girl knows Emil,knows something about him or his plans.

  6. Ewana, can you translate the comments for us?
    I tried using google translate.. but it did not make much sense.
    It would be nice to know what tey are saying.

  7. She wrote,that she knows Emil and he told her,that he don't want to go back to his counrty and family and he wants to go to denmark.Dear Emma,I really worry about you and I want to help.If you need anything,you can write.I will help to translate or something.

  8. I have asked the girl who posted the comment on photoblog to please tell us more if she can, so that we know she is not just joking. i tried to explain to her that this is a real situation, and that none of us want to force Emil to anything, but we want to know the truth, so we can stop worrying and searching.
    She has not answered.
    I also asked our contact peron in the Itaka foundation what she thinks about it - but she said, that by what and how the girl wrote it, she doesnt think she was serious.
    Anyhow - i cant stop thinking about it, since there also were the reports from Krakow, about him seen with other punks (as the girl who made the post), and we never managed to solve the most likely sounding ones..
